reach, teach & release
Can You Reach Your Full Potential?
The Bible provides several clues to this important question, with the most important one right in the beginning:
Then God said, “Let us make a man—someone like ourselves, to be the master of all life upon the earth and in the skies and in the seas.”
Genesis 1:26 TLB
So, according to God, our true potential is limitless in that our design (unlike the rest of His creation) is drawn from His own class. That’s why mankind is able to carry out the twin roles of creation: “God-companion” and world caretaker.
Of course the fall of Adam and Eve put a stumbling block in front of our purpose but God’s plans for good in Christ triumphed over the enemy’s plans for evil. Men’s Ministry helps men understand the work of Christ so that we can reach our full potential as sons of God made in His image and after His likeness.
Experience Fellowship & Growth
Welcome to a place where men from different walks of life share their God-given gifts and diverse life experiences with one another. In this trusted environment, we pray to reach, teach and release men to grow to their full potential in Christ through a thriving relationship with the Holy Spirit. Once our primary relationship with Heaven gets set right in our heart (some call it the vertical relationship), we can create lasting friendships that build us up as individuals and enhance our collective ideas of servant leadership, civic responsibility, and justice. Every man here has his own story of where he started—and has seen his measure of faith grow! This ministry is open to every man who wants to better understand God’s plan for his good future.
What kinds of things do men do?
Bible Study is the central glue in the life of every Believer. One sticky thought is that we are given the keys to the kingdom of heaven! But how do we walk that out on Earth? What can we bind or loose to advance the kingdom of heaven? As men, we like to support each other and discuss deep topics like this over a big plate brimming with good food edge-to-edge, corner-to-corner! That’s how we come up with our best ideas.
Like this one: On August 17, from 5PM-7PM at our Rochester campus, we hosted “Burgers & Chips,” and distributed 130 meals-to-go for the community.